2022-05-17 10:21:21
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内容提要:2022年5月13日,美国《自然新闻》网和另外两家网站登载爆炸性文章“EXPOSED: Pentagon conducted deadly biological weapons experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia”,中文是《曝光:五角大楼在乌克兰和格鲁吉亚用盟军战士做致死生物武器试验》。笔者公布文章的全文和中文翻译,并做了解释。

关键词:五角大楼 生物武器 乌克兰 格鲁吉亚 《自然新闻》


2022年5月13日,美国《自然新闻》网站登载爆炸性文章:“EXPOSED: Pentagon conducted deadly biological weapons experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia”,中文是《曝光:五角大楼在乌克兰和格鲁吉亚用盟军战士做致死生物武器试验》,简称《五角大楼用盟军战士做生物武器试验》。详见参考文献[1]。

这篇文章的作者是Ethan Huff。Ethan Huff可能是一个写作小组,因为Ethan Huff写作、发表了很多关于瘟疫、病毒、疫苗、生物武器封面的文章。披露莫多纳(Moderna)公司CEO变相承认制造了新冠病毒(COVID-19病毒)的文章的作者也是Ethan Huff。





(Natural News) In order to “protect its allies against Russia,” the United States performed biological weapons “experiments” on Ukrainian and Georgian soldiers, newly leaked documents show.



Even though both Ukraine and Georgia are considered to be American allies, the Pentagon decided to harm these countries’ soldiers as part of a $2.5 billion Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) biological engagement program, which included research on biological agents, deadly viruses and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.


Each type of pathogen was unleashed on local populations in both countries as well, exposing potentially millions of people to deadly infections. (Related: The Pentagon’s secret operations programs in Ukraine date at least as far back as 2005.)




A five-year Pentagon operation in Georgia, code-named GG-21, involved “Arthropod-borne and zoonotic infections among military personnel in Georgia.” The project’s description explains that blood samples were collected from 1,000 military recruits at the time of their registration and physical exam at the Georgian military hospital located in Gori.


These samples were tested for antibodies against the following 14 pathogens:

Bacillus anthracis;


CCHF virus;

Coxiella burnetiid;

Francisella tularensis;


Rickettsia species;

TBE virus;

Bartonella species;

Borrelia species;

Ehlrichia species;

Leptospira species;

Salmonella typhi;

















The 10 milliliter blood samples were to be stored indefinitely at the NCDC (Lugar Center) or the USAMRU-G, with aliquots to be sent to the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) headquarters in the United States, this being the largest biomedical research facility run by the Department of Defense (DoD).


【笔者注:USAMRU(United States Army Medical Research Unit))是美国陆军医学研究中心,在格鲁吉亚有一个研究所。】

【笔者注:WRAIR(Walter Reed Army Institute of Research)是美国沃尔特·里德陆军研究所。沃尔特·里德陆军研究所是美国国防部管理的最大生物医学研究机构。这个研究所下设五个海外实验室和基地,包括:位于格鲁吉亚第比利斯的卢阁公共卫生研究中心,位于肯尼亚内罗毕的美国陆军医学研究肯尼亚中心,位于泰国曼谷的美国武装部队医学科学研究所,位于德国森巴赫的陆军医学研究欧洲中心,以及位于韩国的美国陆军医疗物资中心。】

Even though the experiment was not supposed to cause death, any deaths that occurred were to be “promptly reported” to the Georgian Military Hospital and WRAIR, usually within 48 hours of the PI being notified.


The blood samples were also stored and further tested at the Lugar Center, a $180 million Pentagon-funded facility in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi. If the Lugar Center sounds familiar, it could be because it has been embroiled in major controversy over the past several years.

血液样本也被储存在卢阁中心(Lugar Center),做进一步测试。该中心是五角大楼资助1.8亿美元建设的,位于格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯。如果你对卢阁中心听起来很熟悉,那可能是因为该中心在过去几年卷入了重大争议漩涡。

One scandal there involved drug giant Gilead, which ran a hepatitis C program that resulted in at least 248 patient deaths. Official reports listed the cause of these deaths as “unknown.”


“The Georgian project GG-21 has been funded by DTRA and implemented by American military scientists from a special US Army unit code-named USAMRU-G who operate in the Lugar Center,” reported Arms Watch.


“They have been given diplomatic immunity in Georgia to research bacteria, viruses and toxins without being diplomats. This unit is subordinate to the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR).”



Hundreds of millions of dollars have been poured into Ukraine for biological weapons programs.


The Pentagon’s UP-8 program in Ukraine was similar but involved intentionally spreading Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) and various hantaviruses. The research also involved patients with suspected cases of leptospirosis. That project began in 2017 and was extended a few times before ending in 2020.


A description of that project reveals that 4,400 healthy soldiers in Lviv, Kharkov, Odesa, and Kyiv were experimented on. The first 4,000 were tested for antibodies against hantaviruses and the remaining 400 for antibodies against CCHF.


Just like the GG-21 experiment, UP-8 involved collecting blood samples for testing, the results of which were never provided to any of the participants. All deaths were also ordered to be reported with 24 hours.


As of July 30, 2020, the DTRA allocated $80 million for biological research programs such as this in Ukraine. The Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. oversaw this and other programs.


Another DTRA contractor operating in Ukraine is CH2M Hill, which was awarded $22.8 Million to reconstruct and equip two biolaboratories: the State Scientific Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary-Sanitary Expertise (Kyiv ILD) and the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection Regional Diagnostic Laboratory (Odesa RDL).

在乌克兰运营的另一家DTRA承包商是CH2M Hill,它获得了2280万美元的赠与,用于重建和装备两个生物实验室:国家诊断和兽医科学研究所的实验室(基辅ILD),乌克兰国家食品安全和消费者保护区域诊断实验室(敖德萨RDL)。


“The DTRA activities in Georgia and Ukraine fall under the protection of special bilateral agreements. According to these agreements, Georgia and Ukraine shall hold harmless, bring no legal proceedings and indemnify the United States and its personnel, contractors and contractors’ personnel, for damage to property, or death or injury to any persons in Georgia and Ukraine, arising out of activities under this Agreement. If DTRA-sponsored scientists cause deaths or injuries to the local population they cannot be held to account,” Arms Watch explains.



Other documents obtained from the U.S. federal contracts registry show that USAMRU-G is also expanding in other nations beyond Georgia, including in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Latvia.


Other documents obtained from the U.S. federal contracts registry show that USAMRU-G is also expanding in other nations beyond Georgia, including in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Latvia.


“The next USAMRU-G project involving biological tests on soldiers [wa]s due to start in March of this year at the Bulgarian Military Hospital in Sofia,” reports indicate.



These major revelations show that the Pentagon is heavily vested in bioweapons operations in Eastern Europe, which just so happens to be where Russian President Vladimir Putin is performing his “special military operations.”

这些重大启示表明,五角大楼在东欧的生物武器行动中占有重要地位,而这正是俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)执行其“特别军事行动”的地方。

Many believe that Putin’s objective is to clean up and clear out these programs, which sit at the border of his country and threaten the Russian people just like they threaten Georgians and Ukrainians. Another perspective is that this was organized on both sides to reap massive profits from yet another war.


“All of this came to be because the globalists thrive in profits from their wars,” wrote a commenter at Natural News, adding that “scary times” were needed as “distractions to enact their Luciferian GREAT RESET.”


【笔者注:Merrian Webster 词典解释:Lucifer is depicted as a powerful but proud angel who leads a revolt against heaven. 路西弗是领导人民反对所谓“天堂”的具有超常能力而又自豪的神魔。这句话的含义是:俄乌战争的主导双方,俄罗斯和美国,都想通过战争重塑世界格局。】

“Finally, their goal is to force their New World Order under a massively organized one world government after unleashing myriads of great destructions to keep the world of nations off balance and easily redirected into galactic cattle cars.”


【笔者注:1989年3月美国上映了纪录片Lodz Ghetto。该电影叙述第二次世界大战时纳粹屠杀犹太人的事情,上了“牛车”的犹太人将被处死。这里指弱国、小国将被美国和俄罗斯赶进“银河牛车”而灭亡。】


[1] Ethan Huff: EXPOSED: Pentagon conducted deadly biological weapons experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia; Natural News, May 13, 2022. Link:


[2] Ethan Huff: Pentagon conducted deadly biological weapons experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia; NewsTarget.com, May 13, 2022. Link:


[3] Ethan Huff: Pentagon conducted deadly biological weapons experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia; Evil.news, May 13, 2022. Link:


[4] 中国青年网:《一层层掀开美国面具!海外生物实验室是美“军事帝国”伸向世界的黑手》,百度APP,2022男4月8日。网页链接:

